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La Salle Academy is a Christ-centered institution inspired by the charism of St. John Baptist de La Salle – the Founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools and the patron saint of teachers. The teachings are rooted on the vision and spirituality of St. John Baptist de La Salle.


Together and by association, the Lasallian education aspires to provide the youth in a culturally and religiously diverse society of Iligan and Northern Mindanao with excellent, holistic and inclusive education responsive to the real world. The Lasallian education upholds the core values of Faith in God, Zeal for Service and Communion in Mission.


Faith in God is expressed in the school’s aspiration to equip the pupils with a balanced knowledge in all areas of scholarship in light of the Gospel and engaging everyone in the community in a living relationship of communion with the Triune God- recognizing other faith traditions as expressions of human search for self-actualization. Zeal for Service means aspiring for excellence in education that is accessible to the poor and the excluded, conscious of the protection of the environment, and a necessary means of evangelization. Communion in Mission is manifested in the context of sharing the development of the community in Northern Mindanao, in solidarity and collaboration with other La Salle institutions, the Church, local government and all other professions- associating together in a unity that comes through reconciliation between God, human beings and creation. These three core values are simplified into teaching minds, touching hearts and transforming lives.


Christian Living is the core of the curriculum. It is considered as an academic subject. La Salle Academy, being a Catholic institution, requires all its students, regardless of religious persuasions, to attend Christian Living classes. Students or parents who consider this as an infringement on their right to worship are advised to seek admission in other schools. On the other hand, the Lasallian tradition of Catholic education welcomes students with diverse cultural background and religious affiliations. Christian Living teachers encourage students of other religious orientations to share their beliefs and practices in the spirit of inter-religious dialogue. Values needed in the formation of the person to become responsible Christians or Muslims are also integrated in the different subject areas. With the growing number of Muslims enrolled in LSA, formation programs that take into account the religious diversity in the school are also integrated in the Christian Living classes. These include the holding of inter-faith dialogs, class recollection/retreats and liturgical/paraliturgical activities. Such activities are created to help bridge the gap due to religious or cultural diversity so as to make integration into Lasallian culture easier. 


The three core values provide basis for curriculum development. It is expected that the Lasallian core values are infused in the school’s curriculum and incorporated into the school’s program and activities. There is a conscious effort to direct all endeavors towards the attainment of the mission-vision of the school and the Guiding Principles of the Philippine Lasallian Family. Hence, all activities are geared towards the set goals from planning to their implementation.


To produce graduates equipped with the 21st century skills – the Seven C’s (Critical Thinking and Doing, Creativity, Collaboration, Cross-cultural understanding, Communication, Computing/IT Literacy, Career and Learning Self-Reliance), a wholistic development for each person is aimed. The following subjects are offered:


Christian Living is the core of the curriculum. Objectives are set in three areas: doctrine, moral and worship. It also helps the students find and discover the message of the Gospel in strengthening their faith, awakening in them a sense of unselfish service to the humanity especially the poor. There are many qualities that make Lasallian education unique and these include prayer and presence of God. These qualities are often the first learned and most significant. They are both powerful and transformative. Having students recite, “Let us remember that we are in the Holy presence of God…. And “Live Jesus in our hearts” in every opening and closing of classes, hopefully influence their abilities to see and be that “presence of God.” 


The importance of literature on teaching lies in its ability to foster critical reading, build valuable skills, and expand students’ worldviews. Reading literature is a great way to build and enhance vocabulary. Writing skills can be taught, to some extent. But the number one way to become a better writer is to read often. In this view, Philippine Literature is offered in English 7; Afro-Asian Literature is offered in English 8; British-American Literature is offered in English 9 and World Literature in English 10. 


Similarly, Panitikang Panlalawigan (Regional Literature) and Ibong Adarna are offered in Filipino 7; Panitikang Pambansa (Philippine National Literature) and Florante at Laura in Filipino 8; Panitikang Saling-wikang Asyano (Asian Translated Literature) and Noli Me Tangere in Filipino 9 and Panitikang Saling-wika ng Daigdig (World Translated Literature) and El Filibusterismo in Filipino 10. 


Mathematics is offered to develop mathematical skills which are functional in the student’s everyday living. The shift from Discipline approach to Spiral Progression Approach aims to introduce mathematical concepts at an early age and re-taught in succeeding years in an increasingly sophisticated fashion. The scope and sequence of the content are developed such that mathematical concepts and skills are revisited at each grade level with increasing depth. 


Science is offered to develop students to become scientifically literate, environmentally concerned and technologically updated. It consists of basic concepts in science and technology. The basic skills of observing, inferring and comparing, formulating hypotheses, predicting and drawing conclusions are developed. The Spiral Progression Approach is likewise employed which aims to develop same science concepts from one grade level to the next in increasing complexity and sophistication. It facilitates in developing on students’ prior knowledge and skills, leading to gradual mastery from one grade level to the next. 


Social Studies or Araling Panlipunan includes Geography, History, Civics and Culture. One of the thrusts of the instructional program is to develop a strong academic curriculum complemented by the teachings on the values of peace, social justice and voluntary simplicity. Moreover, it aims to develop the social skills of students and heighten their awareness and appreciation of the Philippine culture and history. Specifically, Asian Studies) is offered in Social Studies 7; World History in Social Studies 8, Economics in Social Studies 9 and Contemporary Issues in Social Studies 10. 


Exploratory T.L.E. or Technology and Livelihood Education and Computer Education are offered to grades 7 and 8 only. Grade 7 students take up Bread and pastry as well as meal preparation during the first and second quarter. Desktop Publishing is offered during the third and fourth quarters. Grade 8 students take up food preservation and baking, coupled with Paper Quailing and Recycled Jewelry Making during the first and second quarters. Adobe Photoshop is offered during the third and fourth quarters. Specialized Computer subjects are offered in Grades 9 and 10. HTML (first quarter), CSS (second quarter), Javascript (third quarter) and Flash Animation (fourth quarter) are offered in Grade 9. Similarly, Java Basics (first and second quarter), Introduction to Databases (third quarter) and Database to Java (fourth quarter) are offered in Grade 10.


Edukasyon Pangkatawan at Kalusugan is offered in compliance with the mandate of Department of Education. Physical Education is offered throughout the year in each grade level. It aims to develop students’ basic skills in physical fitness activities and better understanding of sports education. In addition to Physical Education, Health is offered during the first quarter, Music during the second quarter and Arts during the third and fourth quarters. 


The cluster of subjects of the K to 12 curriculum- Languages, Math and Science, Arts and Humanities, and Technology and Livelihood Education– cuts across the grade levels from K to Grade 12 to nurture the learner’s holistic development. There is no demarcation line among the cluster of subjects-to indicate that the curriculum organized to cut across subject lines and to put across the concept that the whole curriculum is life itself. 


As mandated in the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”, the curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach in the teaching of Math and Science to ensure mastery of knowledge and skills after each level. Quarterly horizontal articulation-integration meetings are conducted per level. During this time, teachers per level gather together and decide the linkages among subject areas with regard to related projects so that two or three areas merge together to come up with one project or performance task that will be assessed according to the focused criterion per area.


A system of articulation among areas is the integration of activities during week/month-long celebration. Activities are based on the theme of the focused celebration, which is anchored to the school year’s theme. Each subject area identifies the activities to be done. Those activities are reflected in the integration sheet. The integration sheet is posted in each faculty room which serves as the teachers’ reference in the lesson integration.

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